Wednesday 17 April 2013


The Starry Starry Night
Liao J. (2009)

Monday 8 April 2013

The last Journal:36 Calendars

"36 Calendars" is an exhibition recording the last 36 years of history through the views of artist Song Dong with 432 members of the public.
The aim of the "36 calendar" project are depended on Song Dong's personal personal instead of objective and precise memories of the past. The artworks record artist daily life experience, encountering different people, object, events, from 1978 to 2013, especially on 21st Dec 2012, considering the end date of our civilization, Song Dong invites public to finish the calendar for 2013 together. Using pencil to sketch residual memories is so familiar and simple beauty.

The place

Not only the pictures are elegant, but the decoration is also attractive. The wood desks containing 432 artworks possess some Chinese style.

The artwork

Song Dong delivers the theme of the impermanent change in China and he highlights the way that although a single person could effect a minor change and a fleeting impact. When Song Dong were young, he used to admire to be a hero waring for country. However, his friend's father died in the war. He recognized that war is cruel and he hope no-more sacrifice.
The singer who Song Dong loves

A wonderful time with parents

He recordes his favor and daily life experience via calendars. it remind me that everybody can have their own way to experience time since the Mayans have their own calendar and the history in the world is generated by different "calendars" together. different pieces of puzzles hold together and then create a whole picture. 

Experiencing the change of life and the change of art

Song Dong visited art museum with his father in the first time when he was young. He felt that the artwork was so bigger as similar as a monster. However, he had another chance to visit it again when he was an adult but the feel it different. He did not think that the picture was huge anymore. 

In 1994, Song Dong's first exhibition" Another lesson, would you like to play with me?". After held a   few hours, the department closed his exhibition and told him that his artwork was not serious, instigating and risky. I am worried that how can artworks develop and exist in China.

In 2001, the restriction in artwork in China still exist but the difference is the attitude and behavior of the artist. They would be brave to create what they need and express it. The restriction is just reminding. 

Leaving a space

It had not events showing in 2013's calendar since Sing Dong needed to interact with audience and he hopes to create the 2013's calendar with public. He leaves a pace to us to think about it.

What is your own calendar? Maybe like this?